Bring It to Your Neighborhood

Bring your community an inspirational evening of climate films and discussion.

Drama, documentary, comedy, and award-winning animation address our many possible climate futures, exposing a range of interior responses---optimism and cynicism, climate denial and climate grief, rage and heartbreak, resilience and resolve.


IF YOUR EVENT IS FREE: The screening is free for you, too. The $500 Festival Screening Fee is waived. Only the HAT (handling/admin/tech fee) of $45 is charged. RESERVE HERE:

IF YOUR EVENT CHARGES ADMISSION OR REQUESTS DONATIONS: The Screening Fee is $500 or 30% of your estimated ticket sales/contributions, whichever is greater. The $45 HAT fee is charged. Very small nonprofits should call or text 1-401-743-8489 for exceptions.  RESERVE HERE:

FUNDRAISERS and for-profit venues are welcome! RESERVE HERE:

"These 10 films are very real . . . but they're also very, very hopeful in that they will move you to action, and action is what we need." ---Bill McKibben



VIEW THE ENTIRE SCREENING HERE (2 hours). (A watermarked version, not for public display.)

Venue Resources

For those hosting the festival, these resources help you plan & promote your screening and encourage continued community engagement. Download them here:

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